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Wild Pride believes in a pride of nature spirit cats called Spirit Pride. Each member of spirit pride controls a element that effects the way the world works.(Basically they are like gods) No one knows if Spirit Pride really exists as they have never seen members of Spirit Pride but they still believe in them. Below I'll list all the members of Spirit Pride


1. The Sun Lion-The Sun Lion is a male lion that Wild pride believes controls and lives on the sun, he controls fire and heat. He favours fierce warriors, especially lions and gives them the ability to withstand hot temperatures. He is known to be fierce and strong, the strongest of Spirit Pride actually. He is unforgiving and harsh, although he will be merciful if he is given respect.


2. The Wind Cheetah-A female cheetah faster then any creature to exist, The Wind Cheetah runs around the sky creating wind, calm wind when she walks and strong winds when she runs. Wild Pride belies tornados are also created by The Wind Cheetah. She gave cheetahs the gift to be the fastest land animal on earth. She is known to be swift and clever, her personality is as unpredictable as the wind itself.


3. The Water Jaguar-A female jaguar that controls all water and rain, Wild Pride believes that vicious waves are caused when the Water Jaguar is angry, stressed or anxious. Calm waters mean she is calm or bored  and water with small waves is playful or happy. She is kind to her fellow jaguars and gave them the ability to be excellent swimmers (FYI jaguars unlike many cats love swimming and are excellent at it) she is known to be merciful and kind, letting animals survive off her fresh water, and letting some animals live in her lakes, rivers and oceans. But she can be fierce at times and will sometimes drown animals.


4. The Snow Lynx-A male lynx that controls snow, ice and winter. Often in the winter cats will pray to him begging him not to let them freeze to death or asking him not to chase away all the prey during the winter. It is believed he is harsh and cold like the winter but can be merciful at times if he is respected even though he is one of the smaller members of Spirit Pride. Its often said he has a soft spot for lynxes and thats why they have thick fur to survive the harsh cold, as its a gift from him.


5.The Moon Tiger-A white tiger with black stripes that controls the moon and stars, Wild Pride also believes she controls dreams. She will often give dreams to healers, warning them of threats and telling them good news or about future events. She is knows to be mysterious and secretive. She sometimes allows spirits to go visit living friends and family through their dreams.


7. The Soul Panther-A male panther who is sometimes the most hatted member of Spirit Pride as he removes sprits from creatures bodies when they are old, sick or injured causing them to die. He is respected but feared by some cats. He isn't evil but just knows when a creature is ready to die and go to the afterlife to reunite with dead friends and family and watch over their living friends and family from the afterlife. When a cat dies he removes any evil from their spirit so there is no evil in the afterlife. He is said to be secretive and harsh but kindly welcomes spirits to the afterlife.



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